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WA resources sector welcomes new drilling training program

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia welcomes the announcement of a  Driller’s Offsider Job Ready program by the WA Government.

Resources Industry Training Council Manager Amanda Hamilton said the program would offer an effective and sustainable response to a key industry challenge, while creating further career opportunities for West Australians.

The RITC is a joint venture between CME and the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, and is tasked with identifying workforce needs in the WA mining and resources sector and measures that can be used to address them. The program was developed in consultation with the RITC, among other industry partners.

“The Resources Industry Training Council applauds the WA Government on this response to what is clearly an area of urgent need for the State’s mining and resources sector. The challenges of the current skills shortage for the sector have been well-documented and drilling is one area in which the impact has been particularly acute,” Ms Hamilton said.

“This program will help address both current and future needs by equipping participants with the skills they need to be on site right now, and also providing pathways to training that can deliver further drilling qualifications down the track.

“Importantly, the Driller’s Offsider Job Ready initiative has been developed with the assistance of the drilling industry and, in particular, the support of the Australian Drilling Industry Association.”

The first intake of students in the Driller’s Offsider program are expected to start training with a registered training organisation next month.