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Key decision makers tour Pilbara mining and resources operations

Federal and State MPs are heading to the Pilbara region tomorrow as part of a familiarisation tour organised by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA (CME) with support from the Minerals Council of Australia and the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association.

Federal Resources Minister Madeleine King will join the contingent of Federal Parliamentarians on the three-day tour of key resources operations, including Chevron, Rio Tinto, Woodside, Mineral Resources, FMG and BHP.

CME Chief Executive Rebecca Tomkinson said the majority of the MPs on the tour were in their first term in office and were keen to gain a greater understanding of some of WA’s biggest operations.

“The Pilbara and the commodities it produces are significantly important for our nation’s economic fortunes and will be fundamental to our energy transition, so it is vital that our Government representatives have a solid understanding of our mining and resources sector,” she said.

“Western Australia’s mining and resources sector continues to drive the State and national economies, with record sales of $231 billion in 2021-22, a new record for the fourth consecutive financial year.

“More than 157,700 people are employed in the WA mining and resources sector, with the sector representing more than 45 per cent of employment in the Pilbara region.” 

Joining the Federal and State MPs on the tour will be several Directors Generals and senior figures from key State and Federal Government agencies.

“There is little doubt that the mining and resources sector in this State is the economic powerhouse of the nation, and we excited to showcase to key decision makers both the scale of this contribution and its flow-on benefits to local communities and businesses,” Ms Tomkinson said.