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Asta Morton

Manager, Digital Technologies

Asta joined CME in September 2021 as Project Coordinator – Digital Technologies.

In her role, Asta works closely with CME members to develop Digital Technologies aligned curriculum challenges in the context of the minerals and energy sector. CME members are supporting primary and secondary school teachers to deliver the Automation and Data Science focused Challenges to students from pre-primary to Year 10 across WA.

Prior to this, Asta led the establishment for P-TECH industry-education partnerships in two metropolitan high schools, with a focus on shipbuilding and cybersecurity industries.

Shane Landers

Learning Coordinator, Digital Technologies

Emma Davidson

Learning Coordinator, Digital Technologies

Natasha Mutch

Manager, Media & Communications

Alyson Prendergast

Event Coordinator

Asta Morton

Manager, Digital Technologies

Carolyne Cole

Events Manager

Olivia Steel

Content & Social Media Officer