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Statement from CME CEO Paul Everingham re: Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972

Reports in the media today claiming the WA resources sector is not supportive of the State Government’s proposed Aboriginal heritage reforms are misleading.

As per our submission to the reform process, CME supports the Department’s stated objectives for the proposals for the new Act. This includes repeal and replacement of the Act, which is outdated and more than 40 years old.

“CME and its members support a system that provides Aboriginal people a real and meaningful role in decisions affecting their heritage,” Mr Everingham said.

“We are only at Phase 2 of the consultation process and further detail needs to be provided as part of Phase 3, but we remain confident with the broad direction of the reforms.

“We remain a strong advocate for streamlined legislation governing land use in Western Australia, and support proposals that provide a clear framework within which transparent land use decisions can be made efficiently and effectively.

“As acknowledged by Indigenous Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt, CME and its members have been actively engaged in the reform process, and will continue to support the extensive consultation process outlined by Minister Wyatt.”