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Training pilot to help secure Australia’s resources sector workforce of the future

The Federal Government’s commitment to securing a future skilled workforce, particularly in regional and remote areas, will create job opportunities for young West Australians, where the majority of the activity in the resources sector occurs.

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia’s (CME) Chief Executive Paul Everingham said the Prime Minister’s announcement of a Skills Organisation Pilot would ensure trainees and apprentices had the relevant skills to match the needs of employers in the mining and energy sector.

“With more than $108 billion in major projects in the pipeline across the WA resources sector, it is fundamentally important that companies can access the right skills, in the right locations, at the right time,” he said.

“The value proposition is clear and the flow-on benefits to local communities immense, if we can get this right.”

Mr Everingham said the sector welcomed the ongoing commitment of the Federal Government towards strengthening the resources sector, including reducing red tape to make Australia a more attractive destination for investment.