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Stability essential for Western Australian mining sector

CME chief executive Paul Everingham said Mr Morrison was a highly competent politician who was capable of creating stability in the Liberal Party.

“On behalf of the WA resources industry, CME looks forward to working with the new Federal Cabinet as we aim to build a strong economy through maximizing investment opportunities and creating jobs, of which our sector plays a significant role,” he said.

“It is especially pleasing to see WA MP Melissa Price promoted to Cabinet as Environment Minister. Melissa has always been a strong supporter of the WA resources sector, having grown up in Kalgoorlie, then going on to work in the mining industry and later chairing the Friends of Mining group upon joining Federal Parliament.

“I am confident that as Environment Minister, Melissa will continue to advocate on behalf of Western Australia and the resources sector, along with the other WA representatives in Scott Morrison’s new ministry.”

Mr Everingham urged both sides of politics to return its focus to securing Australia’s economic future.

“The resources sector thrives on political certainty and I encourage all political parties to return their focus to the development and implementation of sound economic and social policy that will improve the lives of all Australians,” he said.