Handing down of the WA Budget 2021-22 DiscoveryCME received an advance briefing at the annual State Budget ‘lock-up’, joining many other key industry association representatives. This year’s presentation…Read more
Roundtables for a Stronger Tomorrow DiscoveryIn the last month, CME was invited to participate in five roundtables facilitated…Read more
First regional skills summit held in Bunbury DiscoveryCME was invited to participate in the first of 10 regional Skills Summits hosted by the State Government, for industry…Read more
Goldfields celebrates women in resources DiscoveryIn early September CME hosted the Goldfields 2021 Women in Resources Sundowner…Read more
CME hosts MPs on tour of key Pilbara operations DiscoveryCME recently hosted 15 WA Labor MPs and four staffers on a…Read more
CME in the news DiscoveryDirector of Policy and Advocacy, Rob Carruthers, was part of a CME…Read more
World Skills Competition comes to Perth DiscoveryThe 2021 National Championship for the World Skills Competition was held in Perth last…Read more
Work, Health and Safety Act – Supporting Information DiscoveryThe Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) has published information on…Read more
Meet CME’s South West Ngwayir Award finalist – South32 DiscoveryBringing together resource companies in the South West, the Ngwayir Award (pronounced “na-wa-yeah”) provides an…Read more