South West Regional Council meets in Collie DiscoveryThe South West Regional Council meeting on June 2 was held at Premier Coal…Read more
Progress of Security of Payment reforms DiscoveryThe 140-clause Security of Payment Bill 2021 which will replace the Construction Contracts Act 2004 (WA) has passed both Houses of…Read more
DevWA GM to headline next CME infrastructure meeting DiscoveryWe are pleased to announce we have confirmed the speaker for our next meeting. Andrew Williams, General…Read more
CME prepares for introduction of modern Aboriginal cultural heritage legislation DiscoveryThe March 2021 re-election of the McGowan Labor Government and appointment of Hon. Stephen…Read more
ESG and the Resources Sector – what does the future look like? DiscoveryCME’s second networking event in the Environmental Sundowner Series has now been pushed back…Read more
Skills Summit set to bring industry together DiscoveryA Skills Summit, hosted by Premier Mark McGowan, was originally scheduled for June 30…Read more
CME forms Safe and Respectful Behaviours Working Group DiscoveryCME’s Advisory Board and Executive Council has proposed to immediately form a cross-portfolio Safe…Read more
CME – in the news DiscoveryCME Chief Executive Paul Everingham used his columns in this month’s Kalgoorlie…Read more
WA mining and resources sector could need another 40,000 workers over the next two years Discovery, Media ReleaseWA’s mining and resources sector could need as many as 40,000 additional…Read more