Discovery – South West DiscoveryGirls in Mining tour It was exciting to hear that South32 Worsley Alumina…Read more
Final Report of the Independent Review of the EPBC Act Released DiscoveryOn Thursday 28 January, the Final Report of the Independent Review of…Read more
Seeking consistency to support continued growth DiscoveryQuarterly economics As we entered 2021, CME continued with a clear and…Read more
Minister attends 2021 Women in Resources Awards Finalists’ Breakfast DiscoveryLast week, CME hosted the Hon. Simone McGurk MLA, Minister for Child Protection;…Read more
Discovery – Infrastructure DiscoveryCME is continuing to participate in the development of the Infrastructure WA (IWA) State Infrastructure…Read more
COVID-19 WHS Working Group DiscoveryIn 2020, CME’s cross-portfolio COVID-19 working group was formed and regularly met…Read more
Native Title Legislation Amendment Act 2021 reform passed by Australian Parliament DiscoveryFollowing several years of consultation, the Commonwealth Government has passed reforms to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwth). The…Read more
Discovery – Exploration & Land Access: Juukan Gorge report released DiscoveryAn interim report from the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia's inquiry into the…Read more
Workplace Health & Safety: SWOSH Site Visit DiscoveryIn late November, CME held the last South West Occupational Safety &…Read more
Infrastructure: Request for aviation demand data DiscoveryFurther to recent meetings between Perth Airport, members and CME, it was agreed CME will request aviation data from members on intrastate…Read more