Skills & Workforce Capability: Resources sector stands together to end family and domestic violence DiscoveryCME facilitates the Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) Industry Collaboration. The collaboration, in its second…Read more
Economic Competitiveness: Lithium royalty rebate announced DiscoveryFor more than 12 months, CME has been working behind the scenes with…Read more
Environment: EPA Bill passes through WA Parliament DiscoveryOn November 11, the Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2020 and the Environmental Protection Amendment Bill (No.2)…Read more
South West: Opportunity too good to waste on Bunbury Outer Ring Road DiscoveryParticipants at the meeting at Main Roads in BunburyCME facilitated a meeting for its…Read more
Pilbara: Federal MPs get up-close look at key operations DiscoveryMadeleine King MP (left) and Senator Louise Pratt (right) on their recent Pilbara…Read more
Goldfields: Upbeat vibe for Goldfields heading into festive season DiscoveryCME Chief Executive Paul Everingham speaks at the What’s Down The Track forum.On November 5, CME Goldfields…Read more
In the news – December 2020 DiscoveryWorld-class WA rehab transforms old coal mine into aquatic playground Lake Kepwari has been…Read more
Women In Resources Awards finalists revealed for 2021 DiscoveryThe Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) is delighted…Read more
CEO News: A year unlike any other DiscoveryAs a year unlike any other draws to a close, I’d thank…Read more