2021 Women in Resources Awards, finalists breakfast UncategorisedCMEWA, CEO, Paul Everingham Hon. Simone Frances McGurk MLA BA…Read more
CME to work with BHP on new industry approach UncategorisedThe Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) today welcomed…Read more
More than 8,000 new local jobs in WA’s resources sector as demand ramps up UncategorisedAn additional 8,000 skilled workers will be needed in Western Australia’s resources…Read more
Message to east-coast FIFO workers: move to WA UncategorisedNew incentives to entice eastern states-based FIFO workers to relocate to WA…Read more
More than $9.1 million from the resources sector to support the WA community through COVID-19 UncategorisedMore than $9.1 million has been contributed by the Western Australian resources…Read more
West Australian Government has released its pandemic plan UncategorisedThe West Australian Government has released its pandemic plan to restrict the…Read more
WA’s LNG future looking bright UncategorisedA $40 million commitment from the Federal Government towards the Future Energy Exports Cooperative…Read more
Changes to BCIT Board and Fund welcomed UncategorisedThe WA resources sector has welcomed the appointment of former Chief Executive…Read more
Schools in the Pilbara go digital UncategorisedEvery public and catholic primary school in the Pilbara will this term…Read more
The Resources Sector Powers WA campaign starts UncategorisedA new media campaign will begin today to highlight the widespread benefits…Read more