Submission to Energy Policy WA on governance and institutional arrangement reforms for the WEM and SWIS
CME supports objectives of the two reform workstreams – a centralised regulatory instrument and framework enhancements. However, such reforms must be holistic, technology-agnostic and cognizant of each other. For example, while the first workstream focuses on the end-to-end governance of electricity supply, this is inextricably linked to the resilience and responsiveness of the power system.
It is acknowledged that it may not be possible to consider the complex interactions of liquid fuel security, gas and other emerging energy sources on electricity supply during these initial stages of reforms. However, we consider this broadened analysis should be prioritised soon. An end-to-end supply chain and whole-of-government reform focus on aligning all aspects of energy supply, planning, delivery and use will be required to ensure objectives of the Energy Transformation Strategy can be met.