CME CEO Rebecca Tomkinson and Manager of Health, Safety and People Laila Nowell fronted a media conference to welcome the WA Government’s progress update in relation to recommendations from the Parliamentary Inquiry Into Sexual Harassment Against Women In The FIFO Mining Industry.
CME and its member companies appreciate Government efforts to ensure safe, respectful and inclusive workplaces, a goal shared by industry and other key stakeholders.
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Rebecca also used her monthly columns in a variety of regional newspapers – including the Kalgoorlie Miner – to reflect on her first six weeks as CME CEO and the vital importance of a range of commodities (both “new” and “old”) to economies and communities around WA.
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You’ve probably never seen a mine like this before
There’s nothing unusual about a mine site in WA producing gold…but what about canola, wheat and barley as well?
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The 100-million-year-old deposit that could help shape a region
The mountains that eroded to make this deposit date back to the age of the dinosaurs.
But the sands produced have very modern (and meaningful) everyday uses.
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‘A robot to clean my room’: WA school students get a head start on skills of the future
Kids say the darndest things…and now they are learning the technological skills to turn them into a reality.
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Our Instagram post of the month