CME’s Goldfields Environment forum was hosted by St Barbara’s during November at its Leonora Operations.
As part of the forum, members also undertook a tour of the surface facilities at Leonora looking at the measures implemented to ensure sound management of potential legacy contaminated sites areas, as well as the carbon and energy considerations associated with underground ventilation, air conditioning and power generation. Key topics discussed during the meeting included the proposed introduction of cost recovery in 2022 for Environmental Protection Act impact assessment and approvals, licensing requirements for the Animal Welfare and Biodiversity Conservation Act, and climate change and energy including upcoming changes proposed for State and Federal policy.
Additionally, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation provided a demonstration of the soon to be released “Environment Online”, which will be used for online lodgement and management of environmental assessments and approvals.
Introduction of Cost Recovery for Environmental Assessments under Environmental Protection Act 1986 Part IV
In October, CME provided a submission to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) regarding the proposed model for cost recovery under Part IV of the EP Act. Additionally, CME met with other relevant peak bodies affected by the proposed cost recovery and the Minister to discuss potential amendments to the proposal to enhance transparency, accountability, equity and smooth the transition of cost recovery.
This has centred on the need for transparent reporting of revenues generated and expenditure, efficiency and service delivery metrics, removal of or amendments to charges that drive perverse outcomes and removing retrospective charges. Further advocacy work continues regarding the proposed charges with cost recovery still expected to commence in the first quarter of 2022.
Contact: Bronwyn Bell, Manager – Resource Development and Sustainability