Reform to the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) has progressed again with the release of an exposure draft, carrying through 50 of the 72 recommendations for reform made in the CATSI Act Review Final Report. A summary report of feedback provided on the exposure draft has now been published by the National Indigenous Australians Agency.
Reforms to the CATSI Act remain important for the resources sector to monitor given impacts to the operation and governance functions of Prescribed Body Corporates (PBCs) across all states.
The role of PBCs across land, cultural heritage and economic development of regional and remote communities continues to increase as further Native Title claims progress to determination.
The proposed WA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill further spotlights PBCs as being the key organisations for the resources sector to engage with under a new regime of cultural heritage.
Reforms to the CATSI Act aim to ensure the Act delivers against its functions to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations in their operation, and non-compliance can be adequately responded to by the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations.
Federal Juukan Inquiry final report
CME continues to expect the delivery of the final report from the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia inquiry into Juukan Gorge to be published on the 18 October 2021.
CME will provide members with analysis on the report and its recommendations once released.