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Rescue skills on display on WA Day

In celebration of WA Day, CME’s Mines Rescue Committee showed off their skills with a vertical rescue demonstration. Using the Ivanhoe headframe at the Museum of the Goldfields, the team demonstrated ascending and descending using a tyrolean rope system from the head frame’s platform to the ground. The Goldfields community attended the event in full force, with thousands interacting and watching the ropes demonstration from both the ground and platform to see what some local kids called “a real-life batman.”   

The team set up interactive displays for visitors, such as a tripod with a rescue master to demonstrate mechanical advantage. It was a delight to see the awe in the faces of local kids and adults alike, as a range of member companies worked together to showcase the talent of the industry’s emergency response teams.  

The demonstration came after a highly successful recent Surface Mine Emergency Response Competition at Hannans North Tourist Mine.

Mining contribution ‘on the map’ for Shire of Coolgardie

At the end of May the Shire of Coolgardie outlined plans for its Socio-Economic Collaboration. In an effort to demonstrate the significant economic and social benefits the resources industry brings to the local community, the Shire commissioned Australian Venture Consultants to undertake a detailed socio-economic mapping exercise. The research aimed to quantify the benefits resulting from resources operations, as well as the investment in infrastructure and services that the Shire is able to deliver as a result of that industry. 

Goldfields Regional Officer Danielle Foster attended several stakeholder meetings at which lack of accommodation was raised as becoming increasingly challenging for attraction and retention of staff. There are a number of positive models where a cross-sector collaborative approach has had a beneficial outcome for all parties. One of these is Pantoro Limited’s recently opened “co-living” workforce accommodation village in Norseman. Developers provided great insight into the social and economic impact of working together to achieve positive results.  

Pantoro’s co-living village
Skills action on the agenda

With skills shortages front of mind for many members, Danielle attended the Goldfields-Esperance Regional Coordinating Committee, to develop identified initiatives from the Goldfields Regional Skills Summit action plan.     

In what is a great industry-led initiative to value the central role Aboriginal people play in a developing a skilled residential workforce, Danielle attended the Goldfields Aboriginal Industry Network; a knowledge sharing exercise on how to attract and retain key Aboriginal personnel in the mining industry across the region.   
Contact: Danielle Foster, Goldfields Regional Officer  