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South West Regional Council meets in Collie

The South West Regional Council meeting on June 2 was held at Premier Coal in Collie.  Emily Evans, Environment and Community Superintendent, presented to the group about Premier Coal’s mining operations and rehabilitation activities, including Lake Kepwari, an old mine void which was officially opened to the public for boating and camping by the Premier in December 2020. 

A presentation on the GE Business Register was provided by CME’s Goldfields Manager, Ryan O’Hanlon, as well as policy and advocacy updates by Susan Cull, State Manager – Regional WA.  The meeting concluded with a site tour of Premier Coal.

The next meeting will be held at the Lighthouse Beach Resort in Bunbury on September 1.   

South West members continue to collaborate 

The highlight of the South West Collaboration working group meeting held on 22 June was a presentation by Alcoa on its award-winning Pinjarra Prospects Program.  Stephanie Gardner, Community Relations Advisor and Mychelle Jeffery, Environmental Scientist, provided an overview of the program which provides opportunities for local female high school students to gain an insight into what it’s like to work in the mining industry. 

The working group are investigating school-industry partnership models that could be replicated in the South West and Peel regions.  The next meeting will be held on Tuesday August 17. 

Contact Sharon Upston, Manager South West