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CME welcomes DEAP expansion

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of WA and its member companies welcome today’s announcement by the Federal Government of a $47 million investment to expand the Digital Environmental Assessment Program (DEAP). 

CME Director of Policy and Advocacy Rob Carruthers said ‘single touch’ digital approvals had the potential to meaningfully streamline approval processes and remove unnecessary regulatory duplication. 

“This digital assessment program is being piloted in WA and the investment to expand it is welcomed by the WA mining and resources sector,” Mr Carruthers said. 

“We have long supported a robust regulatory regime for environmental approvals but one that is efficient, transparent and free from duplication. 

“For our sector – and many other industries – removal of regulatory duplication and better coordination of assessments and approvals across government agencies will drive much needed public sector efficiency, and provide business the confidence to invest in major projects. 

“It’s not until a project obtains final regulatory approval that the really material economic and community outcomes begin to flow through.  With $91 billion of planned and prospective projects in the pipeline across the WA resources sector, there is a significant prize to be realised if these investments can be brought forward. 

“We now look forward to working with all levels of government to support the rollout of this integrated ‘portal’ and, importantly, ensure the long-slated Commonwealth-Western Australian environmental approvals bilateral is implemented to unlock ‘single touch’ approvals.”