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Support a local community group and have your say about mining

CME’s South West Manager Erin van Noort said every time an individual completed the online survey, CME would donate $10 to a community group of the person’s choice.

“We are really keen to hear the thoughts of local residents who live and work in the South West and through this donation initiative, we can ensure community groups are rewarded at the same time,” she said.

“Once the survey period is over, CSIRO will collect and analyse the data and present the findings back to CME and the community. This will give us a greater understanding of what people think about the mining and resource sector across a wide-range of issues.

“We will then use the insights to work with CME members to continue supporting regional communities through economic and social contribution, as well as target any areas where residents have highlighted opportunities or feel more can be done.”

All survey responses are strictly confidential, with CSIRO presenting the survey results in an aggregated form to CME, and back to the community via the region’s project website.

“By taking part in the survey, people are not only expressing their views on the mining industry and the industries activities in the region but they’re also immediately benefitting local, not-for-profit community groups through a rewards program,” said CSIRO Project Leader, Dr Kieran Moffat.

To take part in the survey and help support a local community group, go to