The WA resources sector has welcomed the appointment of former Chief Executive of The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) Reg Howard-Smith as the new chairperson of the Building and Construction Industry Training (BCIT) Board.
Mr Howard-Smith was with CME for more than 15 years, serving as CEO from 2007-2018.
CME CEO Paul Everingham said the resources sector looked forward to working with him and the Board in responding to the recommendations of the 2019 Statutory Review of the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund and Levy Collection Act 1990.
“We expect with Reg’s long term engagement with the resources sector, he will have a better understanding of the skill requirements of the WA resources sector,” Mr Everingham said.
“He joins the Board at an important time, with the introduction of legislative changes in response to the 2019 statutory review.
“CME is pleased with the amendment to the Act to allow project owners to pay the levy as instalments, for construction work exceeding $500 million in value.
“We also welcome the changes that will see two additional members appointed to the Board, representing minerals and energy.
“With the resources sector to become the largest contributor to the Construction Training Fund (CTF) over the next few years, it will be critical for the CTF to function equitably and responsively deliver improved training outcomes aligned to the specific construction skills needs of the resources sector.
“CME will continue to advocate for transparency and will work constructively with the CTF and Government to resolve our outstanding concerns and better enable the Act to function effectively in planning for and supporting the pipeline of skilled workers for WA’s future construction works.”